Otis Elevator Company | Cyber Security

Our Commitment
Otis is committed to the cyber security of our products, services, and technology. We investigate all credible reports of security vulnerabilities affecting our products, services, or technology.
For correspondence unrelated to security vulnerabilities, please use our Contact Us page.
Your personal data, including first name, last name, email address, and phone number, will be collected, processed, and used by Otis to acknowledge your submission, to evaluate and/or investigate the issue(s) you have raised, to take appropriate action, and/or contact you for additional information. We will use your personal data as needed to address the concerns raised by you in your submission. We will not sell your personal data or make any secondary use of your personal data submitted here in other than an anonymized or aggregated manner. OTIS personnel and its service providers will have access to your submission (including your personal data). For purposes of this consent “personal data” shall be defined as any data that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person. OTIS operates globally, and your data may be transferred across borders including to the United States of America.
If you have questions about our use of your personal information or if you wish to modify or revoke this consent for us to use your personal information, please contact Otis by emailing privacy@otis.com.
若您發現在本公司的某個產品或某項服務中存在某個安全性漏洞,請發送電郵至 productsecurity@otis.com 並提供足夠的資訊,讓我們可清楚理解潛在問題。
- 請列明相關產品或服務以及軟件/硬件版本;
- 問題的類型及其可能導致的潛在影響;
- 相關問題的詳情及概念的驗證代碼;以及
- 關於用於場景的任何資訊,以及您已採取的任何保護措施。
我們鼓勵您使用我們的PGP 密鑰以加密方式發送資訊。請在這裡獲取我們的PGP 密鑰。
如果您無法使用支援PGP 密鑰的加密電郵,請留下您的聯絡方式,以便我們相關的團隊與您聯絡。請不要將敏感資訊傳送到上述電郵地址。
對於不涉及安全性漏洞的通訊,請使用本網站上的 "聯絡我們" 一欄。
若您發現在本公司的某個產品或某項服務中存在某個安全性漏洞,請發送電郵至 productsecurity@otis.com 並提供足夠的資訊,讓我們可清楚理解潛在問題。
- 請列明相關產品或服務以及軟件/硬件版本;
- 問題的類型及其可能導致的潛在影響;
- 相關問題的詳情及概念的驗證代碼;以及
- 關於用於場景的任何資訊,以及您已採取的任何保護措施。
我們鼓勵您使用我們的PGP 密鑰以加密方式發送資訊。請在這裡獲取我們的PGP 密鑰。
如果您無法使用支援PGP 密鑰的加密電郵,請留下您的聯絡方式,以便我們相關的團隊與您聯絡。請不要將敏感資訊傳送到上述電郵地址。