High-RiseNaše najnaprednije dizalo za visoke zgrade. Kod dizala SkyRise uzeli smo sve naše znanje i pomakli ga još dalje, kombiniranjem najsuvremenije znanosti i preciznog inženjeringa za pružanje rješenja koja vam trebaju.
Free Your Imagination
Wherever your imagination takes you, the SkyRise elevator will get you there.
PREUZMI BROŠURUA Solution For Every High-Rise Building
The SkyRise system is available in a range of speeds, duties and rises to support any high-rise project.
The double-deck configuration reduces the number of elevator hoistways needed for your building, increasing rentable space by up to 40 percent.
The super double-deck system frees architects to design buildings with floors of different heights. The system automatically adjusts the distance between the upper and lower cars while the elevator is moving – without passengers noticing.
Jednopodna dizala
1 Brzina i visina
Kod jednopodnih dizala samo nebo je granica. Brzinom od 12,5 m/s dižu se na visine do 600 m i mogu prevesti 4.500 kg, pa su idealan izbor za najviše i najprometnije nebodere.

Dizala s dvostrukim podom
1 Maksimalno iskoristite bit vaše zgrade
Omogućite dvostruki putnički promet brzinom svjetlosti pomoću dizala s dvostrukim podom. S dizanjem do 600 m, brzinama do 12,5 m/s, dvostrukim se podom smanjuje prostor jezgre dizala za do 40 posto - što je važno kod vrhunskih nekretnina.

Dizala sa super dvostrukim podom
1 Krajnja fleksibilnost
Jednakom brzinom kao i dizala s dvostrukim podom, ona sa super dvostrukim podom konstruirana su za visoke zgrade s različitim visinama katova. To je savršen način za širenje arhitektonske slobode uz istovremeno velik promet putnika.

Design Without Limits
Every high-rise project brings unique challenges. We help you anticipate them and develop solutions grounded in deep science, precision engineering and our long experience in the building industry.
And by partnering with our sister UTC companies and the United Technologies Research Centre, we’re able to do the big things others can’t.
Compass® 360
Stignite na svoje odredište čak 50 puta brže.
Budući da sustav Compass 360 zna kamo ljudi idu i prije nego što uđu u dizalo, dovozi ih brže od konvencionalnih sustava prijevoza - s manje vremena čekanja, manje gužve i manje zaustavljanja na putu.
Innovative Technologies Working Together
Each SkyRise elevator installation integrates industry-leading technologies to ensure the safe, reliable operation of the entire system.
1 SkyMotion® machines
Designed for the most demanding high-rise applications, our permanent-magnet SkyMotion machines are among the most energy-efficient on the planet.
2 E2 intelligent control system
Compact, reliable and energy efficient, our state-of-the-art controller employs our patented motion-control algorithm to ensure a smooth ride.
3 ReGen® Drive
Otis pioneered the use of regenerative drives and continues to advance this technology – standard on all SkyRise systems.
4 Q-frame cab technology
To ensure a smooth, quiet ride, we designed our noise-blocking Q-frame cab and aerodynamic shroud using computational fluid dynamics and wind tunnel tests.
5 Safety brakes
It’s been about safety since day one. That’s why we make the safety brakes for our highest-speed SkyRise elevators from the same heat-resistant materials used for jet-engine nozzles.

Brže završite svoju zgradu uz SkyBuild™
Automatsko unutarnje dizalo SkyBuild brzo, udobno i sigurno prevozi radnike tijekom izgradnje. Radne ekipe provode manje vremena u čekanju, a više na poslu, nego što je slučaj kod tradicionalnih vanjskih dizala.
Sustav SkyBuild se penje kat po kat ukorak s izgradnjom. Osim toga, po završetku gradnje brzo se pretvara u trajno dizalo SkyRise.
Wherever You Find The World’s Most Iconic Buildings, You’ll Find Otis
With its unique combination of advanced technology, design flexibility, speed in construction and superior passenger experience, SkyRise elevators can make your building a symbol of excellence for generations to come.