Bahrain World Trade Center | Skyrise | Otis Romania
Bahrain World Trade Center
Manama, Bahrain
Bahrain World Trade Center
The sail-shaped towers of the Bahrain World Trade Center rise 240 metres above the capital city of Manama, their design inspired by traditional Arabian trading ships.
Combining a dramatic visual statement with state-of-the-art engineering, the towers demonstrate Bahrain's commitment to sustainable design and renewable energy. Bahrain is the first Persian Gulf nation to establish a post-oil economy built on banking and tourism.
The tapered, elliptical towers act as airfoils, channelling offshore winds to drive three massive wind turbines set between the towers on a series of skybridges. Engineers say the turbines are designed to generate between 11 percent and 15 percent of the centre's energy needs.
The Bahrain World Trade Center stands as a proud symbol of this island nation. The towers are equipped with 12 high-speed Otis® lifts, including four with panoramic glass cabs that provide stunning views of the gulf. Otis supplied a total of 26 lifts for the entire complex, which also includes a three-story base for commercial use.
240 m
29 m
68 tons
Optimizarea aerodinamicii
Inginerii spun că folosesc dinamica fluidelor computaționale și testele sofisticate efectuate în tunelul eolian pentru a determina forma ideală a turnurilor, astfel încât puterea generată de turbinele eoliene să fie cât mai mare.
Analiza lor a condus la un design eliptic, conic, care împinge curenţii între turnuri și creează vid în partea din spate.Acest design inovator accelerează viteza vântului pe măsură ce lovește turbinele.
O orientare perfectă
Centrul de comerț se îndreaptă spre nord, direcția din care bate aerul peste Golful Persic. Orientarea creează, de asemenea, un punct de intrare dramatic pentru întregul complex.
Quick facts about the Bahrain World Trade Center
In 2006, the Bahrain World Trade Center received the prestigious LEAF Award for Best Use of Technology within a Large Scheme. And in 2008, it was named the Best Tall Building in the Middle East and Africa by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH).
1 Opened - 2008
2 Floors - 50
3 Wind turbines - 3
4 Skybridges - 3
5 Panoramic lifts - 4
6 Total Otis lifts - 26
7 Tower lifts - 12