Cruise ships | Otis Global Projects
Cruise Ships
How specialized products for the maritime environment led one of the world’s leading ship builders to turn to Otis
Next-generation cruise liners require durability, reliability and an elevated passenger experience. With expertise in this specialized market, Otis works alongside world-renowned ship builder Meyer Group to ensure these vessels were ready to meet crew and passenger expectations.
Vessel Facts
Unique Requirements
The always moving maritime environment is a challenge for the durability of materials at sea. This requires a specialized elevator design. To provide safe and efficient service for crew and guests, maritime elevators have specialized software configuration. In heavy rolling seas, the elevators on ships are programed to detect excessive motions and park automatically on pre-determined decks to avoid damage.
Servicing elevators and escalators on board cannot be managed like in buildings. To ensure elevators and escalators run smoothly and safely, the crew onboard are specifically trained by Otis and provided extensive remote support to perform routine checks and tackle issues.
Otis Innovation
For the first four vessels delivered by Meyer Shipyards, Otis transported and installed special operating features such as luggage mode, gangway deck mode and RFID-based priority service, ReGen drives for energy efficiency and also installed:
88 passenger elevators
24 maritime escalators
8 freight lifts
Remote support to perform routine checks and tackle issues
68 service elevators
6 handicapped lifts
EMS PanoramaTM Elevator Management System
Otis delivered and installed more than 190 specialized elevators and escalators for four cruise ships
Collins House:位於墨爾本市中心的一座高聳、時尚的塔樓
Collins House 位於澳大利亞最負盛名的街道之一,是一座時尚、現代的住宅樓,共有約 260 個單元,包括閣樓、單層公寓和獨家頂層公寓系列。這座 61 層的建築因其設計、高尚設施和令人難以置信的景觀而備受矚目。Collins大廈的底部外部尺寸僅為 11.5 米(37.7 英尺)寬,是澳大利亞最窄的塔樓,也是世界上第四細長的摩天大樓。
作為行業領導者,在處理具有挑戰性的建築設計方面有著悠久的歷史,奧的斯擁有獨特的能力來協助 Collins House 及其開發商應對挑戰。該解決方案包括三部奧的斯電梯——兩部 SkyRise 電梯和一部 Gen2 Premier 電梯,它們共用一個三聯軸(Triplex Shaft)。
Gen2 在地下室和 19個樓層來回運行,而 SkyRise 電梯從地面運行到上層,在 20 層之後變為複式豎井。 SkyRise 電梯採用永續設計,佔地面積小,重量更輕,是完美的選擇適合建築的瘦長外型設計。它們也是可用的最節能的電梯之一,並提供時尚的設計和功能來增強建築物本身。所有電梯都利用 Otis Compass 360 目的樓層管理系統來幫助 Collins House 減少候車時間並在整個空間內無縫接軌運送乘客。
總而言之,該專案不僅是工程設計和創新方面的勝利,也是有效溝通和協調方面的勝利。該專案於 2019 年 10 月開放,並被獲選為 2021 年電梯世界年度專案。